Apollo Expeditions to the Moon
In 1961, when President Kennedy asked me to join his administration as head
of NASA, I demurred and advised him to appoint a scientist or engineer.
The President
strongly disagreed. At a time when rockets were becoming so powerful that they could
open up "the new ocean of space", he saw this Nation's most important needs as involving
many large issues of national and international policy. He pointed to my experience
in working with President Truman in the Bureau of the Budget and with Secretary
Acheson in the State Department as well as to my experience in aviation and education
as his reasons for asking me to take the job. Vice President Johnson also held this view,
and emphasized the value of my experience with high-technology companies in the
business world.
I could not refuse this challenge, and I found that large issues of policy were
indeed to occupy much of my energy. How could NASA, in the Executive Branch, do
its work so as to facilitate responsible legislative actions in the Congress? How could
public interest in space be made a constructive force? How could other nations' help be
assured? In resolving policy and program questions, NASA was fortunate that
Dr. Hugh Dryden, as Deputy Administrator, and Dr. Robert Seamans, as Associate
Administrator, also had backgrounds of varied experience that could bring great wisdom
to the decisions. We early formed a close relationship and stood together in all
that was done.
Soon after my appointment, several significant events occurred in rapid succession.
The first was a thorough review with Dr. Dryden and Dr. Seamans of what had
been learned in both aeronautics and rocketry since NASA had been formed in 1958
to make projections of these advances into the future. We examined the adequacy of
NASA's long-range plans and made estimates of the kind of scientific and engineering
progress that would be required. We reviewed estimates of cost and found that sufficient
priority and funds had not been provided.
Tom O'Hara,
acrylic on paper
The second event was the U.S.S.R.'s successful launch of the first man into Earth
orbit, the Gagarin flight on April 12, 1961. A few weeks before this spectacular
demonstration of the U.S.S.R.'s competence in rocketry, NASA had appealed to President
Kennedy to reverse his earlier decision to postpone the manned spaceflight projects
that were planned as a followup to the Mercury program. In his earlier decision, President
Kennedy had approved funds for larger rocket engines but not for development
of a new Generation of man-rated boosters and manned spacecraft. The "talking paper"
that I used to urge President Kennedy to support manned flight included the following:
"The U.S. civilian space effort is based on a ten-year plan. When prepared in
1960, this ten-year plan was designed to go hand-in-hand with our military programs.
The U.S. procrastination for a number of years had been based in part on a very real
skepticism as to the necessity for the large expenditures required, and the validity of
the goals sought through the space effort."
Billy Morrow Jackson, LUNAR MODULE WHITE ROOM,
watercolor on paper
"In the preparation of the 1962 budget, President Eisenhower reduced the $1.35
billion requested by the space agency to the extent of $240 million and specifically
eliminated funds to proceed with manned spaceflight beyond Mercury. This decision
emasculated the [NASA] ten-year plan before it was even one year old, and, unless
reversed, guarantees that the Russians will, for the next five to ten years, beat us to
every spectacular exploratory flight...."
"The first priority of this country's space effort should be to improve as rapidly
as possible our capability for boosting large spacecraft into orbit, since this is our
greatest deficiency...."
acrylic on canvas
John Pike,
watercolor on paper
"The funds we have requested for an expanded effort will bring the entire space
agency program up to $1.42 billion in FY 1962 and substantially restore the ten-year
"The United States space program has already become a positive force in bringing
together scientists and engineers of many countries in a wide variety of cooperative
endeavors. Ten nations all have in one way or another taken action or expressed their
will to become a part of this imaginative effort. We feel there is no better means to
reinforce our old alliances and build new ones...."
Robert McCall, APOLLO 8 COMING HOME, oil on panel
"Looking to the future, it is possible through new technology to bring about whole
new areas of international cooperation in meteorological and communication satellite
systems. The new systems will be superior to present systems by a large margin and so
clearly in the interest of the entire world that there is a possibility all will want to
cooperate - even the U.S.S.R."
Paul Calle,
pencil on paper
President Kennedy's March decision had been to proceed cautiously. He had
added $126 million to NASA's budget, mostly for engines, but postponed the start on
manned spacecraft. In March of 1961, he was not yet ready to move unambiguously
toward a resolution of the great national and international policy issues about which he
spoke when he asked me to join the administration.