Apollo Expeditions to the Moon
[After docking] it's time to hustle down into the tunnel and
remove hatch, probe, and drogue, so Neil and Buzz can get
through. Thank God, all the claptrap works beautifully in this
its final workout. The probe and drogue will stay with the LM and
be abandoned with it, for we will have no further need of them
and don't want them cluttering up the command module. The first
one through is Buzz, with a big smile on his face. I grab his
head, a hand on each temple, and am about to give him a smooch on
the forehead, as a parent might greet an errant child; but then,
embarrassed, I think better of it and grab his hand, and then
Neil's. We cavort about a little bit, all smiles and giggles over
our success, and then it's back to work as usual.
No one knew it when Columbus first stepped on
Watlings Islands, but every headline writer
was challenged by the first manned Moon landing.
The full newspaper coverage suggested
by these front pages was just a part of it.
Considering the nearly worldwide radio and
television coverage, it has been estimated
that half the population of the planet was aware of
the events of Apollo 11.
Excerpts from a TV program broadcast by the Apollo 11 astronauts
on the last
evening of the flight, the day before splashdown in the Pacific:
COLLINS: ". . . The Saturn V rocket which put us in orbit is
an incredibly complicated piece of machinery, every piece of
which worked flawlessly. This computer above my head has a
38,000-word vocabulary, each word of which has been carefully
chosen to be of the utmost value to us. The SPS engine, our large
rocket engine on the aft end of our service module, must have
performed flawlessly or we would have been stranded in lunar
orbit. The parachutes up above my head must work perfectly
tomorrow or we will plummet into the ocean. We have always had
confidence that this equipment will work properly. All this is
possible only through the blood, sweat, and tears of a number of
people. First, the American workmen who put these pieces of
machinery together in the factory. Second, the painstaking work
done by various test teams during the assembly and retest after
assembly. And finally, the people at the Manned Spacecraft
Center, both in management, in mission planning, in flight
control, and last but not least, in crew training. This operation
is somewhat like the periscope of a submarine. All you see is the
three of us, but beneath the surface are thousands and thousands
of others, and to all of those, I would like to say, 'Thank you
very much.'"
Relief and jubilation greeted the safe splashdown of Apollo 11 .
"Many of us still can't believe that the goal we set
out to achieve in 1961 has been achieved", said George Low;
and some of the parties that night have entered folklore.
From right above - Gilruth, Low, Kraft, Phillips (looking down),
and Mueller (partly behind flog).
ALDRIN: ". . . This has been far more than three men on a
mission to the Moon; more, still, than the efforts of a
government and industry team; more, even, than the efforts of one
nation. We feel that this stands as a symbol of the insatiable
curiosity of all mankind to explore the unknown. Today I feel
we're really fully capable of accepting expanded roles in the
exploration of space. In retrospect, we have all been
particularly pleased with the call signs that we very laboriously
chose for our spacecraft, Columbia and Eagle. We've been pleased
with the emblem of our flight, the eagle carrying an olive
branch, bringing the universal symbol of peace from the planet
Earth to the Moon. Personally, in reflecting on the events of the
past several days, a verse from Psalms comes to mind. 'When I
consider the heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the Moon and the
stars, which Thou hast ordained; What is man that Thou art
mindful of him?'"
ARMSTRONG: "The responsibility for this flight lies first
with history and with the giants of science who have preceded
this effort; next with the American people, who have, through
their will, indicated their desire; next with four
administrations and their Congresses, for implementing that will;
and then, with the agency and industry teams that built our
spacecraft, the Saturn, the Columbia, the Eagle, and the little
EMU, the spacesuit and backpack that was our small spacecraft out
on the lunar surface. We would like to give special thanks to all
those Americans who built the spacecraft; who did the
construction, design, the tests, and put their hearts and all
their abilities into those craft. To those people tonight, we
give a special thank you, and to all the other people that are
listening and watching tonight, God bless you. Good night from
Apollo 11."
[Portions of the text of this chapter have been
excerpted with permission from
Carrying the Fire, © 1974 by Michael Collins, and
Return to Earth, © 1973 bv Aldrin-Warga Associates.]
Aboard the Hornet in their quarantine trailer on the hangar
deck, three buoyant astronauts chaff with the President of the
United States. Compare their expressions here with those in
the photographs before launch on
this page.
Sombreros replaced space helmets when crowds
stalled a motorcade in Mexico City. In a 45-day world
tour aboard Air Force One to 27 cities in 24 countries,
the Apollo 11 astronauts received exhausting acclaim.