Apollo Expeditions to the Moon
The Great Voyages Of Exploration
Vistas without parallel in human experience surrounded
the crews on the great voyages of exploration.
Mount Hadley, rising 2 3/4 miles above the plain,
is Apollo 15's backdrop as Jim Irwin sets up the first
Lunar Roving Vehicle on the Moon.
(Photo captions for this chapter by the author.)
First I want to share a new view of Earth? using the
corrected vision of space. Like our childhood home, we really see
the Earth only as we prepare to leave it. There are the basically
familiar views from the now well-traveled orbits: banded sunrises
and sunsets changing in seconds from black to purple to red to
yellow to searing daylight and then back; tinted oceans and
continents with structural patterns wrought by aging during four
and a half billion years; shadowed clouds and snows ever-varying
in their mysteries and beauty; and the warm fields of lights and
homes, now seen without the boundaries in our minds.
Again like the childhood home that we now only visit-
changing in time but unchanged in the mind- we see the full Earth
revolve beneath us. All the tracks of man's earlier greatness and
folly are displayed in the window: the Roman world, the
explorers' paths around the continents, the trails across older
frontiers, the great migrations of peoples. The strange
perspective is that of the entire Earth filling only one window,
and gradually not even doing that. No longer is it the Earth of
our past, but only a delicate blue globe in space. With something
of the sadness felt as loved ones age, we sec the full Earth
change to half and then to a crescent and then to a faint moonlit
hole in space. The line of night crosses water, land? and cloud,
sending its armies of shadows ahead. We see that night, like time
itself, masks but does not destroy beauty.
In sunlight, the sparkling sea shows its ever-changing
character in the Sun's reflection, in varying hues of blue and
green around the turquoise island beads, and in its icy
competition with polar lands. The arcing, changing sails of
clouds, following whirling, streaking pathways of wind, mark the
passage of the airy lifeblood of the planet.
Comparable to the Grand Canyon in scale and grandeur,
the Valley of Taurus-Littrow extends some 20 miles through
the ring of massifs surrounding the plains of the Serenitatis
basin. In this westward-looking view from Apollo 17 LM Challenger,
CSM America is the small central speck below and ahead, approaching
the neck of the valley between the 1 1/2 mile high massifs.
The revolving equatorial view concentrates our attention.
There is the vast unbroken expanse of the Indian Ocean, south of
the even more vast green and tan continent of Asia. In another
complete view there are all of the blending masses of greens,
reds, and yellows of Africa from the Mediterranean to the Cape of
Good Hope, from Cap Vert to the Red Sea. Then we see across the
great Atlantic from matching coast to matching coast. Scanning
all of South America with one glance, we seemingly cease to move
as the planet turns beneath us. And then there is the South
Pacific. At one point only the brilliant ranges and plains of
Antarctica remind a viewer that land still exists. The red
continent of Australia finally conquers the illusion that the
Earth is ocean alone, becoming the Earth's natural desert beacon.
When at last we are held to our own cyclic wandering about
the Moon, we see Earthrise, that first and lasting symbol of a
generation's spirit, imagination, and daring. That lonesome,
marbled bit of blue with ancient seas and continental rafts is
our planet, our home as men travel the solar system. The
challenge for all of us is to guard and protect that home,
together, as people of Earth.