Apollo Expeditions to the Moon
Many of our key people in Apollo I, particularly on the spacecraft side, grew out of
the old NACA, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. We had the heritage
of the airplane to work from, with all its methods of design, test, and operation.
For the ballistic-missile programs of the early 1950s we had helped to develop solutions
for reentry problems that were to have direct application to spacecraft design. But
it was the launching of Sputnik I in October 1957 that put a new sense of value and
urgency on the things we were doing. When one month later, the dog Laika was placed
in orbit in Sputnik II, I was sure that the Russians were planning for man in space.
It seemed to me that the United States would surely enter into space competition
with the Soviet Union, and flying man into space would be a legitimate national goal.
The Russians were ahead. A month after the 184-pound
Sputnik I, they sent up the dog Laika (above left) in
the 1120-pound Sputnik II. Three years later, on April
12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin (above right and below) became the
first man to orbit the Earth. His Vostok I's payload
was 10,417 pounds and his flight lasted 108 minutes.
At this time, the United States was in the final stage of
preparing for its first manned suborbital flight, on
May 5, 1961. The physical hazards of weightlessness
were then almost wholly unknown.
Thus it was that our small but creative group in NACA started working intensively on
spacecraft-design problems. Most of the effort in those early days had been directed
toward hypersonic gliders, or winged vehicles, that would fly at high Mach numbers
and perhaps even into orbit. But our views were changing, and Harvey Allen of the
Ames Laboratory was the first, to my recollection, to propose a blunt body for flying
man in space. He suggested a sphere to enclose the man and said, "you just throw it",
meaning, of course, launch it into space with a rocket. In March 1958, Max Faget presented
a paper that was to be a milestone in spacecraft design. His paper proposed a
simple blunt-body vehicle that would reenter the atmosphere without reaching heating
rates or accelerations that would be dangerous to man. He showed that small retro-rockets
were adequate to initiate reentry from orbit. He suggested the use of parachutes
for final descent, and small attitude jets for controlling the capsule in orbit during retrofire
and reentry. His paper concluded with a statement that: "As far as reentry and recovery
are concerned, the state of the art is sufficiently advanced to proceed confidently
with a manned satellite project based upon the use of a blunt-body vehicle."
Engineers brainstormed many
ideas. These sketches illustrate
some of them. In the upper left a
spacecraft is shown still attached
to its booster. It has jettisoned nose
fairings and deployed its antenna.
The drawing to the right of it
shows the jettisoning of spent
retrorockets as the spacecraft
reenters the atmosphere. For reentry
the blunt end is pointed in the
direction of travel, thus serving as a
heat shield. In the lower left sketch
the heat shield is jettisoned just
before splashdown. The final sketch
shows the spacecraft floating
safely in the water as an astronaut
waves to the recovery team.
Caldwell C. Johnson sketched these
concepts in May 1958.
Starting with the formation of NASA in October 1958, intense efforts were undertaken
to create a manned space vehicle and flight organization capabie of flying man
in orbit around the Earth. The plans for this vehicle were based on the blunt reentry
body proposed earlier by Harvey Allen and Max Faget. A special team, the Space Task
Group, was formed at Langley Field, Virginia, to manage this effort, and the McDonnell
Aircraft Corporation won the competition to build what would be the Mercury
Tests, redesigns, and more tests led to this
basic configuration for manned spaceflight.
A special escape system would pull the man
from an exploding booster. Lying on a tailored
couch, he would best withstand the
g-loads of launch, abort, and atmospheric
The heat shield was a slightly convex surface constructed of plastic and fiberglass
material that would give out gas under intense heat, protecting itself from destruction.
The conical afterbody was covered by shingles of high-temperature alloy similar to that
used in turbine blades of jet engines. These shingles were insulated from the titanium
pressure shell and they dissipated their heat by radiation. Parachutes were by far the
lightest and most reliable means of making the final descent to Earth, and the parachute
section was protected from heat by shingles of beryllium. Another key factor in
the Mercury design was the supine couch for the astronaut. There had been considerable
doubt that man could withstand the g-loads associated with rocket launching and
reentry, particularly in abort situations. The form-fitting couch gave such well-distributed
support that man could withstand over 20g without injury or permanent damage.
This concept of the Mercury capsule and, indeed, the whole plan for putting rnan
into space was remarkable in its elegant simplicity. Yet its very daring and unconventional
approach made it the subject of considerable controversy. Some people felt that
such a means for flying man in space was only a stunt. The blunt body in particular
was under fire since it was such a radical departure from the airplane. It was called by
its opponents "the man in the can," and the pilot was termed only a medical specimen.
Even Dr. Dryden, at the time the Director of NACA, labeled one early ballistic-capsule
proposal the same as shooting a young lady from a cannon. However, he approved the
Project Mercury design, since it was by then a complete system for orbital flight. The
Mercury spacecraft and, in fact, Gemini and Apollo as well, were designed to land on
the water because of the large water area which lay east of Cape Canaveral over the
South Atlantic. lf an abort were required during launch, the spacecraft would have to
survive a water landing; and this therefore became the best way to make all landings.
It was easier to attenuate landing-impact forces in water landings, although the spacecraft
was designed to survive a land impact without harm to flight crews.
The first astronauts were brought onboard the Mercury program in April 1959.
They were volunteer military pilots, graduates of test pilot schools. Each was required
to have a bachelor's degree in engineering or equivalent, and at least 1500 hours of jet
time. Of the first group of 60 candidates called to Washington to hear about the program,
more than 80 percent volunteered. All were of such high caliber that selection
was difficult. However, I picked seven: three Air Force, three Navy, and one Marine,
on the basis that the Mercury program would probably not give more than this number
a chance to fly. These men were true pioneers. They volunteered at a time when our
plans were only on paper and when no one really knew what the chance of success was.
One had to respect their motivation and courage.
The first seven American astronauts, chosen in April 1 959, were (from left, seated) Virgil I. Grissom,
M. Scott Carpenter, Donald K. Slayton, and L. Gordon Cooper, Jr.; (standing) Alan B. Shepard, Jr.,
Walter M. Schirra, and John H. Glenn, Jr. They were test pilots who volunteered to fly a
spacecraft -similar to the model shown- that had not yet been built.
"Then, at 900.000 feet, you'll get the feeling that you must have a banana."
(From Daily Mail, 23rd February 1960)
Animals flew first, paving the way for man.
Chimpanzees were physiologically manlike and
easily trained. The Air Force's Aeromedical Field
Laboratory provided them.
We were to have many spectacular successes as well as failures in the Mercury
program. However, we were able to learn from each failure, and fortunate in having
these failures early in the program so that the astronauts and the animal passengers as
weil were flown without mishap when their time came. Perhaps our most spectacular
failure in Mercury came to be known as the "tower flight". In this sad affair, the escape
tower, the parachutes, and the peroxide fuel were all deployed on the launching pad in
front of the domestic and international press. A relatively simple ground-circuit defect
in the Redstone launch vehicle caused the main rocket engine to ignite and then shut
down after a liftoff from the launching pad of about two inches. The capsule events
were keyed to the engine shutdown after having been armed by stage liftoff, as this was
the normal procedure for sequencing unmanned flights. As you might expect, it was
very difficult to explain this spectacular series of events to the working press, and to
officials in Washington.
In those days an animal, in our case a chimpanzee, had to precede man into space.
The flight of the chimpanzee Ham was a major milestone in our program. Here again
we had some problems in the Redstone launch vehicle that resulted in a delayed pickup
of the spacecraft, and water entered the spacecraft as a result of landing damage to the
pressure shell. However, the animal performed admirably at zero gravity and was
picked up unharmed. Ham became quite famous and proved to be a really lovable
little fellow as well as a true pioneer.
Custom-made couches were provided for the
chimpanzees before their flights. Sensors attached
to the animals and instruments in the
spacecraft greatly reduced uncertainty about
the effects of severe g-loads an the body of
an astronaut. This medical research resulted
in the design of a couch for the Mercury capsule
that would distribute the occupant's
weight and minimize acceleration loads on his
All the things that were wrong with Ham's flight were corrected by hard work on
the ground without further flight tests. We were now ready for our first manned suborbital
flight and I recommended to Dr. Dryden and Mr. Webb that we were ready to
go ahead. However, the Marshall Center required one more unmanned flight with the
Redstone for booster development. It was during this period that the Russians sent
Yuri Gagarin aloft in the Vostok spacecraft to become the first man in space.
A chimpanzee named Ham, shown hamming
it up in the photo below, was "a delightful
little fellow". The Mercury-Redstone 2 that
carried Ham into space January 31, 1961,
over-accelerated and ascended to a higher
altitude than planned. Nonetheless, the capsule
was recovered with Ham in good shape.
He was then retired to a normal lifetime.
Mercury researchers, remembering Ham
fondly, occasionally visited him afterward.
All of these events were occurring at the time that President Kennedy and his staff
were taking over from the outgoing Eisenhower administration. Dr. Glennan, the Administrator
of NASA during its first years, gave way to James Webb, who was to be the
Administrator until October 1968. With the change came other events. Project Mercury
was examined by the new head of the President's Science Advisory Committee,
Dr. Jerome Wiesner, and a staff of medical and physical scientists. Our hearings before
the Wiesner Committee went reasonably well until we came to convincing the doctors
that it was safe for man to fly at zero gravity. Even though Ham, the chimpanzee, had
fared well and was completely normal after his flight, the medical men on the committee
were reluctant to accept this evidence that man could stand even 15 minutes of zero
gravity. They were even concerned whether man could stand the mental stress of lying
on top of a rocket and being blasted into space. However, we were able to convince
Mr. Webb and Dr. Dryden that the program was sound, and they, in turn, convinced
the President and his staff. It was at this time that Ed Welsh, Executive Secretary of the
Space Council, remarked while Mr. Kennedy was pondering the impact of a failure,
"Mr. President, can the country stand a success?"
On May 5, 1961, Alan Shepard became the first American to blast off from Cape
Canaveral in a flight that was to be of great importance to our future programs. His
flight in Freedoni 7 was followed by Gus Grissom in a Mercury capsule called Liberty
Bell 7. Orbital flights of the Mercury capsule followed with a mechanical man and a
chimpanzee named Enos. We were ready for manned flight into orbit. We were extremely
fortunate to have six successful Atlas launch vehicles in a row to complete the
Mercury program. John Glenn's Mercury-Atlas mission on February 20, 1962, was
America's first orbital flight. We were to learn much from the flights of Glenn,
Carpenter, Schirra, and Cooper that helped us in planning for the lunar program.
The exposure of man to zero gravity in these early manned flights was perhaps
among the greatest medical experiments of all time. All the Mercury astronauts found
the weightless state no particular problem. All returned to Earth with no medical difficulties
whatever. This finding was so fundamental and straightforward that its importance
was missed by many medical critics at the time. It now became simply a
question of how long man could withstand weightlessness, and detailed medical
measurements were made to cast light on how the body compensated for the new
environment. Zero gravity produced some problems in locomotion and habitability,
but not in man himself. We believed that even the longest flights of the future would probably
require only methods of keeping the human body properly exercised and nourished in
order to prevent a different reaction on returning to the gravity of Earth.