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Chapter 5: Craters (5/6)
FIGURE 152 [above].-A close look at the western part of the floor of the crater King reveals many similarities to the floors of other fresh craters such as Copernicus or Tycho. The crater wall rises steeply along the left. Cracked and corrugated lavalike material occupies low areas between hills and knobs on the floor. Some cracks extend across hills, suggesting that those hills are completely covered by the lavalike material. Rocky outcrops on other hills (some examples are identified by arrows) show that they are made of hard rock.-K.A.H.
[153] FIGURE 153 [below].-This greatly enlarged part of a panoramic camera photograph shows a small area in the eastern part of the floor of the crater King. The large mass in the left part is one example of the many domed structures that occur in the floor of King. It is trisected by depressions in the shape of an inverted "Y" representing three faults; one trends north-south (1), another northeast-southwest (2), and the third northwest-southeast (3). In the area of the fractures and the resulting grabens and depressions, there are numerous blocks indicating that tectonic movement has occurred relatively recently. The northwest-southeast trending fault continues across the level floor to the lower-right corner of the picture. An intricate pattern of finer fractures trending in many directions is also present in the level part of the floor. The partly arcuate nature of the fractures suggests that some may represent cooling cracks.-F.E.-B. ![]()
FIGURE 160 [above].-An enlarged view of the area outlined in figure 159 shows the concentric dunelike lineations more clearly. A few of the lineations veer from concentric to radial in orientation. The outward change on a broader scale from concentric to radial patterns also occurs at other fresh craters, and probably records changing conditions of flow as the ejecta was transported outward at high velocity. On the crater wall, numerous fine fractures parallel the terraced slump blocks, much as in landslides on Earth.-K.A.H.
FIGURE 161 [above].- The lobate scarps in the foreground are a lunar feature seen as Apollo 16 flew over the margins of King's ejecta blanket. This view looks away from King and is centered about 50 km from its rim crest. The lobes appear to border thick flows or slide masses of King ejecta. Beyond the lobes in the upper left part of the picture the ejecta is thin or absent.- K.A.H.
FIGURE 163 [above].-Here the panoramic camera sees the edge of King's ejecta blanket 75 km northeast of the crater. The bright slope along the left side of the photo faces both the Sun and King. It apparently acted as a barrier for the ejecta surging outward from King, for there are small deceleration lobes on the slopes. Most of the plateau east of the slope is pocked by small craters that were not covered by the ejecta blanket. However, a belt of linear dunelike features radial to King crosses part of the plateau from lower left to upper right. Careful inspection shows that the lineations are downrange from a cluster of small irregular craters (arrow) at the left edge of the plateau. These are part of a field of secondary impact craters that completely surround King's ejecta blanket. Debris thrown out on low-trajectory paths from King made the secondary craters and apparently splashed debris downrange. Closer to King, the continuous ejecta blanket is lineated in the same way as is the secondary ejecta. Perhaps much of the continuous ejecta blanket is also formed of material splashed out by secondary impacts.-K.A.H.
[161] FIGURE 164 [below].-The large crater Copernicus has served as a type example of lunar impact craters since the classic analysis was made by E. M. Shoemaker (1962). Bright rays of ejecta radiate outward from Copernicus across a large part of the Moon's near side. Material from one of the rays may have been sampled at the Apollo 12 landing site, 370 km south of the center of the crater. This photograph shows how the crater appeared from the Apollo 17 spacecraft looking southward over the Montes Carpatus (Carpathian Mountains). Notice that the rim deposits immediately adjacent to the crater have a very crisp, blocky appearance in contrast to the softer appearance of the rest of the ejecta blanket. This crisp zone is also found on many other craters and suggests the ejecta here was swept clean by some erosion process late in the cratering event. The terraced slumps on the crater wall appear like giant stair steps leading to the floor, 3 to 4 km below the rim. The 1-km-high central peaks were made famous in 1966 by a "picture of the century" view looking into the crater from the south by Lunar Orbiter 2. Now Apollo has given us scores of even more spectacular photographs.-K.A.H.
FIGURE 165 [above].-Aristarchus is a large crater on the edge of a plateau within northern Oceanus Procellarum. In this scene the crater is viewed obliquely from the north. One of the brightest and youngest craters of its size on the near side of the Moon, Aristarchus is believed to be younger even than Copernicus. The general appearance of Aristarchus and of parts of the plateau around it led Alfred Worden, the Apollo 15 CMP, to describe this part of the Moon as "... probably the most volcanic area that I've seen anywhere on the surface." For many years before the Apollo missions, Earth-based viewers had reported telescopic sightings of transient events centered on Aristarchus. These brief, subtle changes in color or in sharpness of appearance have been suggested as evidence for volcanic activity or the venting of gases from the lunar interior. The sightings are controversial, but Aristarchus remains a center of interest. -M.C.M. About 39 km in diameter, Aristarchus is on the borderline between medium-sized and large- sized craters. We have included it among the large craters because its welldeveloped concentric terraces are characteristic of most large craters that have not been too severely degraded. Its terraced walls, as well as its arcuate range of central peaks, are particularly well shown in this view. The walls and parts of the crater floor are extremely rough and cracked, a characteristic feature of other young impact craters of this size range, such as Tycho and Copernicus. The rough deposits in the floor are probably made up largely of shockmelted material formed at the time of the impact. The inner, rougher portions of the rim show a series of channels, lobate flows, and smooth puddlelike deposits that may represent shock-melted material deposited on the crater rim. The outer, smoother portions show the rhomboidal pattern characteristic of crater ejecta blankets.-J.W.H.
[163] FIGURE 166 [below].- Theophilus is a relatively young crater similar in size but slightly older than Copernicus (fig.164). It lies on the eastern edge of the Kant plateau, an elevated area in the Central Highlands along the northwestern margin of Mare Nectaris. Part of Nectaris is visible as the smooth. dark area near the horizon at the left edge. Like Copernicus and Aristarchus, Theophilus has ruggedly terraced walls and a complex central peak protruding through a level floor. Smooth-surfaced material is present in "pools" at various levels on the terraces, on parts of the crater floor, and on the ejecta that blanket the near (north) side of the crater. As one alternative, the pools may have been emplaced as fluid lava. The pooled material and the prominent central peak complex of Theophilus are shown in more detail in figures 167 and 168.- M.C.M.