Apollo Over the Moon: A View from Orbit
Chapter 6: Rimae
Sinuous Rimae (continued)
FIGURE 195 [above].-Relief is exaggerated in
this near terminator (low Sun) photograph of the northwest margin of
the Aristarchus Plateau. A broad graben (approximately 15 km wide)
separates the rugged linear mountain chain from the sloping plateau
surface. The crenulate profiles of mare wrinkle ridges (some as high
as 200 m) are visible on the horizon; one mare ridge bisects the
graben. Sinuous rilles are prominent in the graben; several originate
on the plateau. The surface of the mare in the graben appears to be
higher on the west side of the mare ridge, suggesting faulting
associated with ridge formation. The rille A crossing the ridge is
nearly 100 km long and has interlocking meanders, which preclude its
formation as merely a crack in the mare surface; erosion by
downstream transport of a fluid seems necessary to explain such
sinuosity. Origin of the diamond shaped Aristarchus plateau itself is
enigmatic, although its relatively straight edges suggest fault
[189] FIGURE 196
[right].-Sinuous rille (A) is unusually shallow for its
width and has probably been mantled or filled since its
formation. The entire area shows evidence of an older
mantled and subdued topography on which secondary craters
(B) from the 40 km primary crater Aristarchus (to the
southeast) have been superposed. Among the mantled features
are a straight rille (C), craters (D), and numerous
polygonal depressions (E), which may be subsidence features,
possibly caused by withdrawal of magma at depth, or
differential compaction of lava over small highland blocks.
The Aristarchus plateau is to the southeast. C.A.H.
FIGURE 197 [right].-A number of mare
related features are present in this oblique view looking
north across a mare surface between Mare Imbrium and Oceanus
Procellarum. A broad mare arch is visible in the foreground.
As it is followed toward the northwest the arch gives way to
a series of small ridges, which then converge on an unusual
sinuous chain of craters, elongate ridges, and elongate
depressions. This sinuous chain leads into a large arcuate
elongate depression at the boundary between the highlands
and the mare. Similarity of parts of this structure to parts
of some sinuous rilles, for example, Rima Hadley, suggests
that its strange morphology may be a poorly understood
variation of a lava channel, possibly a partially collapsed
lava tube.-J.W.H.
[190] FIGURE 198
[left].-The branching sinuous rille in this photograph is
part of a continuous single rille extending more than 300 km
across the mare in northeast Oceanus Procellarum. The width
of the rille is essentially constant (approximately 250 m)
throughout its length. The secondary branches, all of which
rejoin the main "stream," are shallower than the larger
channel. Slope is probably northeast toward the center of
Mare Imbrium. Like some other lunar rilles, this one crosses
several mare ridges with no apparent deviation or
deformation; unlike many rilles, particularly those near the
Aristarchus plateau, there is no associated crater at either
end. The origin of lunar sinuous rilles remains
controversial. Among the alternatives proposed are lava
channels and lava tubes, but fracture control is decidedly
apparent in some places. Some sort of fluid erosion,
however, seems necessary to account for the configurations
of many rilles with exactly parallel walls from which
material has been removed; lava may be the most plausible
agent for erosion inasmuch as no evidence of water exists in
the lunar samples. The diversity among rilles suggests that
several genetic hypotheses may be required to explain all of
FIGURE 199 [below].-Delisle and Diophantus are
two relatively young craters, 27 km and 19 km in diameter, located
north of the area shown in figure 198, in the western reaches of Mare
Imbrium. Both are younger than the mare materials in which they are
excavated, and also younger than the narrow sinuous rille between
them. The rille is sculptured by lineaments radial to the rim crests
of Diophantus or Delisle; the lineaments presumably were produced by
ejecta from one or both craters.
Both craters exhibit characteristics of young
lunar impact craters that have undergone relatively little
degradation. The rim crest is sharp, slump terraces inside the walls
are distinct, and the density of younger superposed craters is low:
only one very young rayed crater, 3 km in diameter, is superposed on
Diophantus ejecta.
Five major morphologic facies of crater ejecta
can be distinguished in concentric zones away from the crater rim
crests: (1) closest to the rim crest, a zone of pitted terrain,
dotted with tiny circular craters and large blocks; (2) a zone of
rolling troughs and ridges with a smooth surface, grading outward
into the third type; (3) elongate or chevronlike secondary impact
craters, the rim crests of which form ridges radial to the rim crest
of the primary crater; (4) a reticulate network of discontinuous
ejecta, forming ridges radial to the rim crest of the primary crater;
and (5) isolated secondary impact craters that dot the surface of
preexisting mare materials.
The scarp bounded mountains west and southwest
of Delisle are massifs of light toned circumbasin materials that are
older than the mare and crater materials around them.-M.J.G.

[192] FIGURE 200
[right].-Low Sun angle photograph of mare surface taken by
the metric camera. Two large impact craters, Diophantus and
Euler, occur in the upper left and lower right comers of the
frame; the terminator lies at the left margin of the
picture. Many secondary crater chains and smaller primary
craters pepper the mare surface, and lava flow fronts, mare
ridges, and rilles are common. The rilles exhibit a marked
branching or dendritic network pattern. The lava channels
become narrower and shallower downstream, to the northeast;
terrestrial lava channels also commonly become shallower
downstream. The lobes of the lava flows also point
northeastward. Apparently the material filling the basin
moved from southwest to northeast in this region. The lava
flows and rilles obviously antedate the impact craters that
pockmark the surface. The outlined area shows the location
of figure 201.-H.M.

FIGURE 201 [left].-This low Sun
angle, high resolution picture shows in greater detail the
branching network of lava channels displayed in figure 200.
The long shadows along the channel network are formed by its
natural levees of chilled lava. The channels branch
downslope, as is customary in lava distributary systems on
Earth. Small impact craters that postdate the lava flows
riddle the channel margins and bottoms and saturate the lava
surfaces. Many form lines of secondary craters. Tectonic
displacements (faults) offset the lava surfaces and cut
across the lava channels; they are, therefore, considered to
be younger than the lava channels.-H.M.
FIGURE 202 [above].-This Apollo IS photograph
depicts the sinuous Hadley Rille, the Apennine Mountains trending
from lower left to upper right, and the smooth surface of Palus
Putredinus (Marsh of Decay) in the upper left quarter. The Apollo 15
landing site at 26.4° N, 3.7° E (arrow) was selected
because of the variety of important lunar surface features
concentrated in the small area. The Apennine Mountains, with almost 5
km of relief in the area pictured, are a part of a ring of mountains
that surrounds the Imbrium basin and in which very old rocks are
thought to be exposed. The smooth lava flows of Palus Putredinus
formed later, and Hadley Rille, sharply etched in the mare surface,
is thought to be one of the youngest rilles on the Moon. The V shaped
rille originates in a cleft at the base of the mountains in the south
and gradually becomes shallower and less distinct to the north and
west. Layered rocks crop out in its walls at several places. Near the
landing site, the width of the rille is 1.5 km and its depth is more
than 300 m. M.C.M.
[194] FIGURE 203
[below].-Astronaut James Irwin and the Apollo 15 rover are perched
here above the rim of Hadley Rille. This scene looks northwestward
down the rille from the flank of St. George crater (the largest
crater in fig. 204). The astronauts discovered that layered basalts
crop out in the upper walls of the rille. Talus blocks line most of
the walls and the floor of the rille. The rille apparently was once
narrower and deeper but has widened by backwasting of the rims.
AS15-85-11451 (H)
FIGURE 204 [above].-Here is how Hadley Rille
first appeared to the Apollo 15 astronauts in the LM. They landed in
the right foreground. The large subdued crater in the foreground, St.
George, is on a mountain to which astronauts drove. Hadley Rille is
mainly in the mare basalts of Palus Putredinus. The rille cuts
against older mountains in the foreground and at the upper right.
Along the top (north) of this photo the rille is discontinuous and is
similar in many respects to a partly collapsed lava tube, although it
is much bigger than any terrestrial counterpart. The rille is 1.5 km
wide and over 300 m deep. It is thought to be a giant conduit that
carried lava from an eruptive vent far south of this scene.
Topographic information obtained from the Apollo 15 photographs
supports this possibility; however, many puzzles about the rille
FIGURE 205 [above].- This closeup of Hadley
Rille was taken by the Apollo 15 panoramic camera. This part of the
rille appears along the left side (south) of figure 204 under
different lighting conditions. Rocky outcrops along the top of the
rille walls appear to be cut by fractures, called joints. The blocks
that have rolled to the bottom of the rille are huge, up to tens of
meters across. K.A.H.

[197] FIGURE 206
[left].-This part of Hadley Rille is far south of the
landing site. Lines of outcrops of mare basalt in the upper
rille walls suggest thick layering in the basalt. Notice how
the edges of the rille stay parallel to each other. One
origin suggested for the rille is that it is a graben or
fault valley. In its present form, however, the rille could
not have formed as a fracture because the sides will not fit
back together.-K.A.H.
FIGURE 207 [left].-The large
(approximately 100 km) crater Posidonius is filled with mare
lava to a level higher than the surrounding surface of Mare
Serenitatis. The most interesting and perplexing feature of
this crater is Rima Posidonius II-the highly sinuous rille
that follows a devious course from the north rim of the
crater at upper right (outside the photograph) through the
breach in the crater rim at center. The rille is
topographically controlled in part, hugging the juncture
between lava and crater material. Erosion by some sort of
fluid may have formed the rille; material appears to have
been removed from it. An alternative explanation might be
that the feature represents a drained and collapsed lava
tube. The fluid involved probably was emitted from the
craterlike depression at the head of the rille in the
crater's north wall. If the rille is assumed to be
contemporaneous with the lava filling, a lava of low
viscosity would seem to be required to explain the channel's
high sinuosity. C.A.H.