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Moonport: A History of Apollo Launch Facilities and OperationsBibliographyJournal ArticlesAlelyunas, Paul. "Checkout: Man's Changing Role." Space/Aeronautics 44 (Dec. 1965): 66-73. Alexander, George. "Cape Canaveral to Expand for Lunar Task." Aviation Week, 31 July 1961, p. 28. --. "Telemetry Data Confirms Saturn Success." Aviation Week and Space Technology, 6 Nov. 1961, pp. 30- 32. --. "Inquiry Focuses on Electrical Systems." Aviation Week and Space Technology, 6 Feb. 1967, pp. 30-34. Alexander, Tom. "The Unexpected Payoff of Project Apollo." Fortune 80 (July 1969): 114-117. Alexander, William D. "Vertical Assembly Building - Project Description, Organization, and Procedures." Civil Engineering 35 (Jan. 1965): 42-44. "Apollo 15: The Most Perilous Journey." Time, 9 Aug. 1971, pp. 10-15. "Apollo: Giant Equipment Problems," Missiles and Rockets, 18 Sept. 1961, p. 19. Blevmaier, Joseph S. "ITL and Titan III." Astronautics and Aerospace Engineering 1 (Mar. -1963): 33-36. Bliss, H. 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