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The Partnership: A History of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project
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[above] The Soviets are shown the Apollo 17 heatshield, which had been removed from the command and service module in the rear. From left to right, A. S. Ivanchenkov, A. S. Yeliseyev, N. N. Rukavishnikov, V. N. Kubasov, K. D. Bushuyev, T. P. Stafford, A. Tatistcheff, and C. W. Helms.
[above] Tom Stafford, behind Professor Bushuyev, explains the functioning of the hatch quick opening mechanism to the Professor and Cosmonauts Kubasov and Ivanchenkov.
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George Merrick, Vice President, Space Division, Rockwell International, explains the cryogenic equipment to be installed in the service module. His audience consists of, from left to right, Bushuyev, Sementovsky , and Filipchenko.
Leo Krupp, Supervisor of Pilot Technology at Rockwell, explains layout of mockup of Shuttle Orbiter cockpit to Professor Bushuyev.
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On 14 July, Lunney and Bushuyev accompanied the cosmonauts to Rockwell International's factory at Downey. Once there, the Professor and his comrades were able to observe work being done on CSM 111, examine a high fidelity mockup of the docking module, and study the effects of reentry on several command modules stored at Downey. Their factory tour ended with a demonstration of the Apollo docking and entry simulators. The Soviets returned to Houston for another week of activities before departing for Moscow on 21 July.25
Reporters speculated that the Soviets had left when they did to avoid having to accept Glynn Lunney's invitation to watch the 28 July launch of [255] the second Skylab crew. Bushuyev, when questioned at the press conference closing the two-week stay, said that they had accomplished all of their objectives and that remaining for a third week would have presented "difficulties for some of [our] side because some of the participants in our delegation have duties at home which cannot be postponed."26 Whether the Soviet spokesman was making excuses or whether some members of his team were going home to prepare for the launch of Soyuz 12 is unclear. Nevertheless, the termination of the meetings was completely in line with the agreement not to waste time. The cosmonauts had completed their work, and they and the astronauts would begin readying themselves for their Moscow session.
* The Manned Spacecraft Center had been renamed in honor of Lyndon B. Johnson in a congressional act signed by President Nixon on 17 Feb. 1973.
21. "Apollo Soyuz Test Project Crew and Ground Personnel Training Plan," ASTP 40 700, 26 Mar. 1973.
22. "Soviet Space: A visit to Star City," Time, 9 July 1973. John Noble Wilford of the New York Times had been one of the first Western news persons to visit Star City when he toured the center in March 1972 during his month sojourn in the U.S.S.R. His evaluation of the Soviet center and the pace of the Soviet program was similar to those in Time and Aviation Week; Wilford, "Friendly, Yes, but Trying to Be First," New York Times. 28 Mar. 1972.
23. Donald C. Winston, "Soviet Space Center Being Expanded," Aviation Week & Space Technology, 25 June 1973, p. 18.
24. "Minutes, Joint Meeting of Working Group 1," in "Apollo Soyuz Test Project, Minutes of Joint Meeting, USSR Academy of Sciences and US National Aeronautics and Space Administration," 9-20 July 1973; and interview, Mike S. Brzezinski-Ezell, 23 Sept. 1975.
25. "Minutes, Joint Meeting of Working Group 1," 9-20 July 1973; and NASA News Release, HQ [unnumbered], "Communique on Results of Apollo Soyuz Test Project Meetings, July 8-20, 1973" [20 July 1973].
26. NASA Press
Conference, JSC, "Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) Technical
Directors and Prime Crew Press Conference," 20 July 1973; Wilford,
"Astronauts from Soviet and U.S. Begin a Briefing in Houston for
Joint Mission," New York
Times, 10 July 1973; "Cosmonauts Hear
Lectures," Houston Post, 11 July 1973; and Jack Waugh, "Building U.S.-Soviet
Space Team," Christian Science
Monitor, 19 July 1973.