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Apollo 12
Apollo 12 crewmembers greeted by family on arrival at Ellington

Members of the Apollo 12 lunar landing mission's crew are greeted by their wives and children at the front of a large crowd on hand to welcome home the three. The Mobile Quarantine Facility (MQF), with the crew inside, arrived at Ellington Air Force Base aboard a U.S. Air Force C0141 transport jet on November 29, 1969. The crewmen, looking out the MQF window at the crowd, are (l-r) Astronauts Charles Conrad Jr., Richard F. Gordon Jr., and ALan L. Bean. Their wives are, from left to right, Mrs. Barbara Gordon, Mrs Jane Conrad and Mrs. Sue Bean. The women are wearing leis, an Hawaii tradition (60759); Conrad talks by phone to members of his family standing outside the MQF. Beside him are Gordon (center) and Bean (60760).

Catalog Date: 29 November 1969
Film Type: 35mm
NASA image: S69-60760

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