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Apollo 17
Photograph of Apollo 17 Lunar Roving Vehicle traverses

A vertical view of the Apollo 17 Taurus-Littrow landing site with an overlay to illustrate the three planned Apollo 17 traverses using the Lunar Roving Vehicle. The EVA-1 traverse has a single station (1); the EVA-2 traverse has four stations (2,3,4&5); and the EVA-3 traverse has five stations (6,7,8,9&10). Stations 10-A and 10-B are alternate locations for Station 10. In addition to the major stations mentioned above, brief stops are planned for sampling between stations using the LRV sampler tool (note diamond-shaped figures), and for deploying explosive charges associated with the Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment (note black x-marks).

Catalog Date: 10 January 1972
Film Type: 4x5 BW
NASA image: S72-03145

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