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Apollo 17
Personnel in Mission Control conferring on repair to LRV fender

These five men in the Mission Control Center ponder the solution to the problem of the damage to the right rear fender of the Apollo 17 Lunar Roving Vehicle at the Taurus-Littrow landing site. Clockwise are Astronauts John W. Young and Charles M. Duke Jr., two Apollo 17 capcoms; Donald K. Slayton, Director of Flight Crew Operations at MSC; Dr. Rocco A. Petrone, Apollo Program Director, Office of Manned Space Flight, NASA HQ.; and Ronald V. Blevins, an EVA-1 flight controller with General Electric. They are looking over a makeshift repair arrangement which uses lunar maps and clamps from the optical alignment telescope lamp, a repair suggestion made by Astronaut Young.

Catalog Date: 12 November 1972
Film Type: 35mm BW
NASA image: S72-55170

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