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Apollo 17
Apollo 17 rollout to launch pad

A ground-level view at Pad A, Launch Complex 39, Kennedy Space Center, showing the Apollo 17 (Spacecraft 114/Lunar Module 12/Saturn 512) space vehicle arriving at the pad. The Saturn V stack and its mobile launch tower were moved from the Vehicle Assembly Building to the pad atop a crawler-transporter. View includes shrubbery on the left, water in center, and palm tree on right (48728); A close-up ground-level view of Apollo 17 spacec vehicle on its way to Pad A, Launch Complex 39 (48729); A ground-level view of the Apollo 17 space vehicle leaving the Vehicle Assembly Building on its way to Pad A, Launch Complex 39, KSC (48730).

Catalog Date: 28 August 1972
Film Type: 4x5
NASA image: S72-48728

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