The Partnership: A History of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project
Appendix E
ASTP Scientific Experiments
[513-536] Since the joint
flight with the Soviets grew in part from studies on how to utilize
excess Apollo hardware, the mission planners in Houston naturally
gave considerable attention to the scientific experiments that would
be flown. As early as mid-1971, René Berglund received a
proposal from Paul R. Penrod, who was working with the Advanced
Programs Office representing the Science and Applications
Directorate, suggesting scientific activities for an International
Rendezvous and Docking Mission (IRDM). Penrod stressed maximum use of
existing hardware, maximum crew involvement, use of the docking
module (DM) as an experiment station, minimum use of extravehicular
activity (EVA), and a schedule leading to either a mid- 1974 or
mid-1975 launch. While none of the actual experiments proposed by
Penrod at this time were flown on ASTP, his suggestions became
leading criteria in choosing experiments for the joint
In mid-October 1971, Penrod recommended to
Berglund that one of the exciting aspects of an American-Soviet
mission was the possibility of conducting joint experimentsduring the
docked phase of the operation. Such exercises would not affect the
feasibility of an international mission, and certainly it would
provide meaningful activities for the docked portion of the
venture.2 In December 1971, a letter from Penrod was sent to
selected potential experimenters informing them of NASA's "interest
in directly involving the user community in the payload planning for
the International Rendezvous and Docking Mission."3
Implicit in this early work were some basic assumptions that would
shape subsequent efforts to select ASTP experiments. There would be
two categories of scientific investigations - NASA (unilateral) and
joint (bilateral). Crewmembers would be active participants in the
experiments, which would fall into three groups - stellar phenomena,
materials processing, and earth observations. Another key feature of
these early discussions was the "austere funding climate" that
dictated the use of CSM 111, which did not have the scientific
instrument module bay, plus a $10-million ceiling on the cost of the
total experiment package.4
Formalization of the experiment effort came in
the fall of 1972. On 4 October, an initial meeting was held in
Washington, during which Houston personnel explained to NASA
Headquarters staff the engineering and operational constraints on the
planning effort.5 To
simplify the experiment planning, a NASA Working Group was given
internal responsibility for overseeing this work. Further, to prevent
confusion in the negotiations with the Soviets, M. Pete Frank's
Working Group 1 was given sole responsibility for coordinating
efforts on bilateral experiments.6
Through the first six months of 1973, NASA examined candidate
As this work progressed, Representative Olin
Teague urged the agency to make alternative plans for the mission in
the event that the Soviets failed for either political or technical
reasons to rendezvous with Apollo. Teague believed that it was
"essential that the NASA portion of the mission be capable of making
a justifiable, independent, scientific and technological contribution
without reliance on a Soviet rendezvous."7 As
indicated in chapter VII ("Creating a Test Project"), George Low and
the Headquarters staff decided to rely upon the Soviets and not
exceed the $10-million budget for experiments.
On 29 June 1973, Administrator Fletcher issued
in letter form an "Announcement of Flight Opportunity" for the ASTP
mission. Fletcher said, "In addition to developing mutual space
rescue capability, the U.S. spacecraft will be able to carry about
400 pounds [181 kg] to conduct other space experiments of high
importance." He also emphasized that "investigations that capitalize
on the unique nature of this flight and are of common interest to
both the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. are, of course, of interest." Enclosed
with the letter was a schedule for experiment planning, development,
and implementation:
1. Proposals Due at NASA(If appropriate, a prior proposal with a memo
updating it will be acceptable.)
July 23, 1973
2. Experiment Selection
Week of July 30, 1973
3.Selected Experimenter Notification
August 20, 1973
4. Interface Control Documentation
October 1, 1973
5. Mockup Complete
March 1, 1974
6. Training Simulator (Plus thermal model, if required)
April 1, 1974
7. Definitive Training Unit
August 1, 1974
8. Qual[ification] Test Complete
October 15, 1974
9. Flight Unit Delivery:
Experiments requiring installation in
docking module or require penetration of docking module
August 1, 1974
CSM Installation:
Complex type
December 1, 1974
Stowage type
April 15, 1975
10. Roll Out to Launch Pad (Only limited access to experiments after
this date )
March 1, 1975
11. Launch8
July 15, 1975
NASA sponsored a seminar "with
outstanding experts in space science and in the conduct of
applications programs in space" at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, on 7
July 1973. "The seminar members were asked to debate possible
investigations and guidelines for the final selection of
investigations."9 At
the seminar, Homer E. Newell, NASA's Associate Administrator,
explained that the Announcement of Flight Opportunity had been issued
because of outside dissatisfaction with the earlier efforts within
the agency to select experiments for ASTP. NASA's preliminary payload
proposal "had been presented to the Space Science Board [of the
National Academy of Sciences] and the Physical Sciences Committee [of
NASA ] and it was received less than enthusiastically. Consequently,
it was decided to issue a general Announcement . . . and to convene a
special panel to aid in the evaluation process."10
Following this seminar, Newell, in a letter to Fletcher, reported
that a special ad hoc committee would be created, consisting of all
but one of the Woods Hole attendees and five other specialists from
the scientific and technical community.
During the week of 30 July, a
formally chartered, closed to the
public, Ad Hoc Evaluation Committee
will assemble at the Johnson Space Center to evaluate all proposals
including those evaluated as unacceptable for technical and merit
reasons in the preliminary review . . . and to categorize them
according to suitability for the mission. The proposers will be asked
to make presentations and otherwise explain and expand upon their
proposals as an expedient to the evaluation process. . . .
Following the activities of the ASTP Program
Office, the Ad Hoc Evaluation Committee and costing studies, the
Manned Space Flight Experiments Board will review the categorized
list developed by the Ad Hoc Committee. This list will include the
life science experiments which will have undergone a separate review
by the American Institute of Biological Sciences and specific members
of the Space Medicine and Biology Committee, Space Science Board of
the NAS [National Academy of Sciences]. The MSFEB reviews will be
attended by Science, Applications, Technology, and Life Sciences
personnel. . . .
We then plan that a presentation will be made
to you and Dr. Low on the results of the evaluation and on the
integration and cost aspects of the proposed experiments.11
On 16 August 1973, Fletcher approved an
experiments payload, as presented by Chet Lee, the Program Director.
This payload had been approved by the Manned Space Flight Experiments
Board (MSFEB) on 10 August from a recommended list provided by the
Science, Applications and Technology Ad Hoe Committee, the Life
Sciences Ad Hoe Panel, and the American Institute of Biological
Sciences Ad Hoe Panel. A total of 146 proposals were received: 24 in
the life sciences, 75 in applications and technology, and 47 in the
physical sciences. The 18 experiments approved on 16 August were the
MA no.
Principal investigator
Extreme ultraviolet
University of
Helium glow
University of
Ultraviolet atmospheric
University of
Soft X-ray
Naval Research
Doppler tracking
Marshall Space Flight
Interface marking in
Massachusetts Institute of
Zero-g processing of
Grumman Aerospace
Crystal growth from the vapor
Rensselaer Polytechnic
Oak Ridge National
Sodium chloride/lithium
University of
Monotectic and synthetic
Cho-Yi Ang
Northrop Corporation
Max Planck Institut für
Biostack III
University of
Cellular immune
Baylor College of
Polymorphonuclear leukocyte
Baylor College of
Microbial exchange
Johnson Space Center
Light flash
University of
Glynn Lunney kept the Soviets informed
of the status of experiment proposals through his regular telephone
conferences with Professor Bushuyev. During their conversation of 23
August, Lunney advised the Professor that the following bilateral
experiments had been approved by Administrator Fletcher: artificial
solar eclipse, microbial exchange, multipurpose furnace, ultraviolet
absorption, and doppler tracking.13
As work on the experiments progressed, Chet
Lee's office became concerned over their rising costs. Since this
increase was largely caused by the amount of documentation required
to qualify them for the flight, Lee recommended a relaxation of the
The latest cost estimates for
experiments hardware indicate that a substantial part of the cost
growth we have seen is attributable to implementation of the
necessary tasks and effort to meet the Apollo quality and reliability
standards which were established to provide the highest assurance
that hardware was reliable and safe. The application of these
standards to the Apollo and Skylab experiment package was a major
factor in their success. The high costs, resulting from the
implementation of these standards for high reliability, was warranted
because of the high initial investment in the lunar flights, whose
primary objective became science following the initial lunar landing.
Since science is a secondary objective for ASTP, the capital
investment in experiments should be much lower. Therefore, in order
to reduce costs we should not require the same degree of
documentation, formal reviews, etc. that provided the highest
assurance that the reliability and quality standards are being met.
Therefore, it is necessary that for the ASTP experiment hardware, the
Apollo reliability and quality guidelines be relaxed except where
safety of the crew is involved.14
Lunney agreed with this evaluation and advised
Lee that his office had reviewed the situation and had selected an
approach that would minimize costs but still provide high quality
hardware. A cost reduction effort was initiated in December 1973 to
reduce the cost of the ASTP experiments and to serve as a pilot
project for evaluating experiment cost reduction in future
As the Johnson Space Center (JSC) prepared for
the flight, new experiments were added and others were deleted or
altered. At an MSFEB meeting on 7 January 1974, six more experiments
were approved for ASTP subject to the availability of funds and
payload capability. Concurrently , the experiment cost ceiling was
raised to $16 million. Earth observations and photography (MA-136)
was expanded and given full experiment status. Stratospheric aerosol
measurement (MA-007) and crystal growth (MA-028) were conditionally
approved pending a review by the Ad Hoc Committees. Gas release
(MA-043) was also approved tentatively, contingent upon low impact on
the docking module design and on the spectrometer used for
ultraviolet absorption (MA-059). The other three new experiments were
electrophoresis technology (MA-- 011), geodynamics (MA-128), and
barium cloud (MA-017). The barium cloud and gas release
investigations were dropped from consideration during the summer of
1974 because of technical and expense difficulties.16
[Image here]
Experiment equipment
During the next year, the experimenters were
busy with preparations for the flight.17 On
26 June 1974, while the principal investigators and contractors
worked on their hardware, NASA officially appointed R. Thomas Giuli,
of the JSC Science and Applications Directorate, to be the ASTP
Program Scientist. His responsibilities included coordinating all
scientific aspects of the mission.18
Subsequently, Giuli summarized in the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project Preliminary Science
Report* the programmatic aspects of the experiments performed
unilaterally by the U.S. and jointly with the U.S.S.R.:
The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project . .
. experiments package comprised 28 separate experiments. Twenty-one
were unilateral U.S. experiments, five were joint U.S.-U.S.S.R.
experiments . . . and two were unilateral West German experiments
(i.e., funded by the Federal Republic of Germany). Together, these
experiments formed a well-integrated program of complementary
scientific objectives. In several cases, related experiments used
different techniques in pursuit of the same or similar scientific
objectives. A comparison of the scientific results from these
experiments may be useful in defining the best technique to pursue in
future space missions.
The individual experiments are grouped in this
report according to category and topic. The space sciences
experiments are presented in order of the distance away from the
center of the Earth that the objectives of study lie. The soft X-ray
objects lie deep in our galaxy and even beyond our galaxy. The
extreme ultraviolet (EUV) objects lie within a few hundred
light-years from the solar system, whereas the portion of the
interstellar medium investigated by the helium glow experiment lies
within a few astronomical units. The corona photographed during the
artificial solar eclipse lay within approximately 50 solar radii from
the Sun. Two crystal detectors that have potential application for
future gamma-ray astronomy payloads were carried onboard the Apollo
spacecraft to measure their susceptibility to radioactivation by
cosmic particle bombardment. The tenuous Earth atmosphere at the
spacecraft altitude was investigated by ultraviolet absorption, and
the aerosol component of the atmosphere below the spacecraft was
investigated by stratospheric measurements. Features of the Earth
surface were observed and photographed by the Apollo crew, and the
structure of the Earth below the surface was investigated by two
spacecraft-spacecraft doppler techniques.
The life sciences experiment addressed three
primary topics. One was the effects of cosmic particle bombardment on
live cells: the human eye retina (light flash), dormant eggs and
seeds (biostack), and growing fungi (zone-forming fungi). (The fungi
experiment also studied the effects of space-flight factors on
biorhythm.) The second topic was the effects of space flight on the
human immune system from the aspect of microbial transfer and ability
to cause infection and from the aspect of the ability of the immune
system to resist infection. The third topic was the effects of
reduced gravity on the calcium metabolism of the killifish vestibular
system. The purpose was to assess the feasibility of using the
killifish vestibular system as a model for future investigation of
space-flight effects on human calcium metabolism.
The materials processing effort addressed two
topics: the separation of live cells and the improvement of physical
properties of solid materials. The live cell separation was performed
by each of two electrophoresis methods in which an electric field was
applied through a buffer solution containing a mixture of cells with
different biological functions (and hence with different negative
surface charges). The cells separated into groups of cells with like
biological function, each group being characterized by a unique value
of cell surface charge. Each group thus acquired a unique speed
through the buffer solution. The solid materials were processed by a
high-temperature (melting) technique and an ambient-temperature
(crystal growth from solution) technique.
The subsequent sections in this report
describe in detail the conceptual, instrumental, and operational
aspects of each experiment and include a preliminary assessment of
scientific results. This section describes the major preliminary
results of a few of the experiments (astronomy, Earth atmosphere,
Earth observations, biological materials processing, and solid
materials processing) as known in December 1975.19
MA-048: Soft X-Ray Observation
- Objectives
- The objectives of this experiment were to
study the spectra of a large number of known celestial X-ray
sources in the range from 0.1 to 10 kiloelectron volts, search for
periodicities and other variability in these sources, and more
precisely map the soft X-ray diffuse background.
- Experiment equipment
- Principal Investigator
- H. Friedman, Naval Research
- Results
- Data were obtained on approximately twelve
sources. Unexpectedly, the instrument developed an intermittent
high-voltage discharge problem that resulted in the loss of about
75 percent of the anticipated data. Among the results that were
obtained was the discovery of the first known pulsar (star whose
radiation pulsates very rapidly) outside our galaxy.
MA-083: Extreme Ultraviolet Survey
- Objective
- The objective of this experiment was to
conduct the first sensitive search for extreme ultraviolet (EUV)
radiation from non-solar sources.
- Principal Investigator
- S. Bowyer, University of California at
- Results
- The EUV telescope functioned perfectly
during the entire mission. All the primary goals of the experiment
were achieved. EUV radiation was detected from four of the thirty
stars investigated, which were selected from a variety of classes
of stars. Extensive data on the EUV background radiation were also
MA-088: Interstellar Helium Glow
- Objective
- The objective of this experiment was to
study the motion of helium in the local interstellar medium, as
that medium passes through the solar system, to determine several
poorly known properties of the local interstellar gas.
- Principal Investigator
- S. Bowyer, University of California at
- Results
- The instrument used was a photometer
sensitive to two solar extreme ultraviolet spectral lines that are
resonantly scattered by helium gas. The instrument surveyed the
entire celestial sphere during a series of slow rolling maneuvers
by the Apollo spacecraft. The equipment operated properly; usable
data were obtained and are being evaluated.
MA-148: Artificial Solar Eclipse (Joint
U.S.S.R.-U.S. Experiment)
- Objective
- In this U.S.S.R.-proposed exercise, one of
five joint experiments, the Apollo crew was responsible for
performing the required spacecraft maneuvers and for photographing
the eclipse shadow on the Soyuz vehicle, and the Soyuz crew was
responsible for photographing the solar corona.
- Principal Investigator
- G. M. Nikolsky, Institute of Terrestrial
Magnetism Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation
- U.S. Point of Contact
- R. T. Giuli, Johnson Space Center
- Results
- The U.S.S.R. investigator responsible for
the scientific analysis of the experiment reports detection of the
solar corona. The results were published in the ASTP Summary Science Report, a special publication by NASA.
MA-151: Crystal Activation
- Objective
- The objective of this experiment was to
fly two gamma ray detectors in the command module for post-flight
analysis of the radioactivity induced in them by cosmic rays
during the flight. The purpose was to measure the instrument
background caused by detector activation that interferes with
detection of gamma radiation in the 0.02-to 10-megaelectron-volt
range from earth orbit. These measurements will be used to
estimate this background and thus assist in the development of
gamma ray instrumentation and detectors for future experiments in
this relatively new field of gamma ray astronomy.
- Principal Investigator
- J. I. Trombka, Goddard Space Flight
- Results
- Good data were obtained, which also could
be correlated with results of a similar experiment carried on
Apollo 17.
MA-059: Ultraviolet Absorption (Joint
U.S.-U.S.S.R. Experiment)
- Objectives
- The objective of this experiment was to
apply optical absorption spectroscopy to the investigation of
neutral atomic oxygen and nitrogen (as low as 2 million atoms per
cubic centimeter) and their temperatures in the earth's atmosphere
at the spacecraft altitude (220 kilometers). The technique was to
send monochromatic light beams, the wavelengths of which
correspond to neutral atomic oxygen and nitrogen resonance lines
(1,304 and 1,200Å, respectively), from the Apollo to the
Soyuz. The beams were bounced back to the spectrometer aboard the
Apollo by a Soyuz-mounted retroreflector.
- U.S. Co-Principal Investigators
- T. M. Donahue, University of
R. D. Hudson, Johnson Space Center
- Soviet Principal Investigator
- V. G. Kurt, Institute of Space
- Results
- The O and N densities obtained with this
experiment were consistent with the best previous determinations
from space experiments employing different techniques and from
theoretical models, thus opening the way for a broader application
of this technique for atmospheric research.
MA-007: Stratospheric Aerosol
- Objective
- This experiment was designed to
demonstrate the feasibility of long-term remote sensing of
aerosols in the stratosphere from a manned or unmanned spacecraft.
Increasing interest in the stratosphere has led to the
investigation of methods for remote sensing from earth-orbiting
satellites. Data gained from this experiment will be housed in the
design of subsequent satellite equipment.
- Principal Investigator
- T. J. Pepin, University of Wyoming
- Results
- Excellent aerosol data were obtained in
the stratosphere; pollution measurements were obtained down into
the troposphere.
MA-136: Earth Observations and
- Objective
- Astronaut visual observations and
photography of surface features (of the moon with Apollo, of earth
with Skylab) have demonstrated the usefulness of the large scale
view as an aid to interpretation of surface features and
phenomena. The human eye's large dynamic range and sensitivity to
color and texture have enhanced the perspective of the
photographic results. This experiment (a combination of
investigations) was designed to permit the crew to perform a
number of observations which, based upon Skylab experience, would
yield the greatest return of information. The topics of interest
were geology, deserts, oceanography, hydrology, and meteorology. A
large team of outside scientists constituted the investigator team
for this experiment.
- Principal Investigator
- F. El-Baz, Smithsonian Institution
- Results
- The data returned were discussed in the
Preliminary Science
Report (p. 10-16). "The astronauts
are enthusiastic about their contributions, and the participating
scientists have a considerable amount of new data to be
interpreted and analyzed. This analysis will further our vistas in
numerous fields of Earth science."
MA-089: Doppler Tracking
- Objective
- This experiment was designed to test the
feasibility of improved mapping of earth gravity field anomalies
by means of the low-low satellite-to-satellite tracking method. In
this case, the low satellites were the command and service module
(CSM) and the DM, which were separated to a distance of about 300
kilometers. The CSM received radio signals transmitted from the
DM. Such investigations of the earth's gravity field are expected
to provide new information on the structure of the earth, with
application to continental drift theories.
- Principal Investigator
- G. C. Weiffenbach, Smithsonian
Astrophysical Observatory
- Results
- When the data are fully analyzed, the
investigators anticipate that mass anomalies of approximately 200
to 350 kilometers in size affecting the gravity field will be
MA-128: Geodynamics
- Objective
- This experiment was designed to test the
feasibility of improved mapping of earth gravity field anomalies
by means of the low-high satellite-to-satellite tracking method.
In this case, the low satellite was the CSM, and ATS 6 was the
high satellite.
- Principal Investigator
- F. O. Vonbun, Goddard Space Flight
- Results
- Early results indicate this method of
satellite-satellite tracking yields high quality data for
investigations of the gravity field.
Interest has developed in studying the effect
of high charge and high energy (HZE) particles on human tissue during
prolonged space flight. Of particular interest are the effects on
non-generative cells, such as the tissue composing the central
nervous system. The HZE particles (generally the heavier and
energetic cosmic rays) may have destructive effects on human cells
under some circumstances. Experiments MA-106, MA-107, and MA-1 47
were designed to investigate how cosmic rays affect live cells.
MA-106: Quantitative Observation of Light
Flashing Sensations
- Objective
- Light flashes caused by the interaction of
cosmic particles and the eyes have been observed by astronauts on
all space missions since Apollo 11. This experiment compared
measurements of the observer's visual sensitivity with
measurements of the radiation environment.
- Principal Investigator
- T. F. Budinger, Lawrence Berkeley
Laboratory, University of California at Berkeley
- Results
- The light flash sensations recorded by the
astronauts were well correlated to the detection of HZE particles
and protons by onboard electronic and emulsion detectors. The
sensations were 25 times more numerous when the spacecraft
traveled in the high latitude regions than when it traveled the
latitudes between 30° N and 30° S. Ground-based
experiments are proceeding to verify the conclusions drawn from
the flight data concerning the efficiency of the eye as a detector
for various types of particles.
MA-107: Biostack III (German
- Objective
- The objective of this experiment was to
continue and extend the research carried out in Apollos 16 and 17
(Biostacks I and II) to study the biological effects of individual
heavy cosmic particles of high-energy loss not available on earth,
to study additional space-flight factors, to obtain knowledge on
the mechanism by which HZE particles damage biological materials,
to get information on the spectrum of charge and energy of the
cosmic ions in the spacecraft, and to estimate the radiation
hazards to man in space.
- Principal Investigator
- H. Backer, University of Frankfurt
- Results
- Very high resolution impact data were
obtained. The consequent effects on the biological specimens are
being studied by growing specimens and observing the associated
MA-147: Zone-Forming Fungi (Joint
U.S.S.R.-U.S. Experiment)
- Objective
- Where MA-107 involved dormant cells that
were later cultured or nurtured into growing systems (e.g., seeds
of plants and eggs of brine shrimp), this experiment employed
growing cells to determine the effect of HZE upon them. Mutations
of both types of cells were the objective in both cases to
determine the possible effects on humans. Both experiments were
planned to examine long-term effects by growing second generation
systems from the mutated systems, which would be compared to cells
that were not impacted by the HZE particles. Effects of zero
gravity were to be analyzed by comparison of flight materials with
similar organisms that were not flown.
- Soviet Principal Investigator
- I. G. Akoyev, Institute of Biological
- U.S. Principal Investigator
- G. R. Taylor, Johnson Space Center
- Results
- Differences were detected in growth rates
and spore formation between flight samples and ground control
samples. The factors causing these differences are currently under
Experiments performed by the U.S.S.R. and the
U.S. on their space flights have shown that (1) microbes transfer
between crewmembers and from crewmembers to the spacecraft; (2)
numbers of types of microbes reduce significantly , whereas numbers
of microbes of a given (surviving) type increase significantly; and (
3) immunological resistance of crewmembers may change during flight.
AR-002, complemented by laboratory analysis of blood samples to be
performed by MA-031 and MA-032, investigated separately questions of
how space flight alters the ability of microbes to infect humans and
how space flight alters the ability of humans to resist infection.
AR-002: Microbial Exchange (Joint
U.S.-U.S.S.R. Experiment)
- Objective
- Monitoring two separate crews, which
differed microbiologically and immunologically, provided an
opportunity to study in-flight crosscontamination patterns.
Microbe investigation was accomplished by analyzing spacecraft and
crewmember skin swab samples before, during, and after
- U.S. Principal Investigator
- G. R. Taylor, Johnson Space Center
- Soviet Principal Investigator
- F. N. Zaloguyev, Institute of Biomedical
Problems, Ministry of Public Health
- Results
- The major portion of the planned
post-flight laboratory analysis continues. Analysis of the
specimen collection and distribution activities indicates that
most of the experiment objectives will be satisfied. Analyses of
the medically important micro-organisms from U.S. crewmen have
shown in-flight inter-crew transfer of potential pathogens but no
other changes of medical significance.
MA-031: Cellular Immune Response
- Objective
- The cellular immune response of the three
astronauts was studied before and after the nine days of
- Principal Investigator
- B. S. Criswell, Baylor College of
- Results
- Significant changes in the
phytohemagglutinin (PHA) lymphocytic responsiveness occurred in
the cellular immune response of the astronauts. Parameters studied
were white blood cell concentrations, lymphocyte numbers, B- and
T-lymphocyte distributions in peripheral blood, and lymphocyte
responsiveness of PHA, pokeweed mitogen, Concanaval in A, and
influenza virus antigen.
MA-032: Effects of Space Flight on
Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Response
- Objective
- A series of blood samples taken from the
astronauts at intervals from thirty days before flight to thirty
days after recovery was used to determine the effects of space
flight on polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN).
- Principal Investigator
- R. R. Martin, Baylor College of
- Results
- Analysis continues but this experiment
successfully documented that no consistent, potentially serious
abnormalities in the PMN function were produced in the ASTP
crewmembers. A broader experience, including similar studies on
future space-flight missions, will be required before definite
conclusions can be drawn.
MA-161: Killifish Hatching and
- Objective
- The objective of this experiment was to
determine the effect of the zero gravity environment on the sense
of balance in living organisms. The killifish Fundulus heteroclitus
was used to study embryonic development and vestibular adaptation
in orbital flight. A series of staged embryos in five individual
compartments of a polyethylene bag and a series of preconditioned
juvenile fish in a similar bag were mounted on the wall of the
service module (SM) and photographed periodically during the
mission to record the swimming activity of the fish and the
condition of the eggs. At splashdown, vestibular sensitivity of
the juvenile fish and of the hatchlings from the eggs was tested
in a rotating, striped drum. Subsequently, additional vestibular
orientation tests during parabolic trajectory flight, light
orientation tests, and geotaxis tests were performed.
- Principal Investigator
- H. W. Scheld, Baylor College of
- Results
- Juvenile fish in a null-gravity
environment exhibited looping swimming activity similar to that
observed during Skylab
3. Hatchlings from the 336-hour egg
stage were also observed to loop. At splashdown, both juveniles
and hatchlings exhibited a typical diving response suggesting
relatively normal vestibular function. Juveniles exhibited
swimming patterns suggestive of abnormal swim bladders. Rotating
drum tests confirmed that no radical changes in vestibular
function had occurred, but more subtle changes may be apparent
after analysis of motion pictures. Other analyses continue.
Biological Materials
For various types of biological research and
medical application, it is necessary to separate pure samples of live
cells from a mixture of different types of live cells. The separation
process is often not amenable to centrifuge or filter techniques
because the different types of cells are not sufficiently dissimilar
in size, shape, or mass. Electrophoresis is a separation method that
utilizes the fact that live cells have a negative surface charge, and
the quantity of this charge is as unique to each type of cell as the
cell's biological function. Thus, if a mixture of different types of
cells is placed in an electrolytic buffer solution (the composition
of which is chosen to preserve the biological vitality of the cells),
and if an electrical field is applied, the different types of cells
should separate into individual zones according to their individual
electrophoretic mobilities. In ground-based laboratories, the
performance of this process is limited by effects that are the result
of the 1-g environment; for example, the density difference between
sample zones and buffer solution causes sedimentation, and heating of
the electrophoretic column by the electric field causes destabilizing
currents. Both effects are counterproductive. On ASTP, two methods of
electrophoresis were tested to determine if better results could be
obtained from processing materials in zero gravity.
MA-011: Electrophoresis Technology
- Objective
- Using the static column of buffer solution
with the electrical field aligned along the column, a given amount
of sample mixture was introduced at one end and the developing
sample zones traveled individually (at different rates) down the
column. This was a complete experiment in that it addressed both
the major issues for future application: how to process the
samples and how to preserve the samples.
- Principal Investigator
- R. E. Allen Marshall Space Flight
- Results
- The hardware functioned as planned. Frozen
live cells were successfully transported into space;
electrophoretic processing was performed; and viable cells were
returned to earth. This experiment provided a significant step
forward in the development of a biological processing facility in
MA-014: Electrophoresis Experiment (German
- Objective
- Using the free-flow method in which a
buffer solution flows along a tube with the electrical field
aligned perpendicularly to the tube, the sample mixture was
inserted continuously at one end and the individual substances
separated laterally from each other into multiple streams, which
were collected continuously at the other end of the tube. This
method is conceptually capable of producing larger quantities,
whereas the static column method is most applicable for producing
"starter" quantities, which then can be cultured into larger
quantities in the laboratory. This experiment addressed only the
problem of sample processing and did not involve sample
- Principal Investigator
- K. Hannig, Max Planck Institut für
Biochemie, Munich
- Results
- The feasibility of separating living cells
under zero gravity conditions was demonstrated.
MA-010: Multipurpose Electric Furnace
- Objectives
- Based upon a similar furnace (M-518) flown
on Skylab, this furnace was used to heat and cool material samples
in space, thereby taking advantage of the lack of thermal
convection and sedimentation during the liquid or gaseous phase of
the material being processed. Seven experiments were performed.
The guiding design requirement for the multipurpose electric
furnace system was to produce an apparatus that provided the
widest possible flexibility in applying predetermined temperature
distributions and temperature time sequences within the
constraints imposed by existing interfaces. Although the Skylab
multipurpose furnace met all expectations of performance and
reliability, it was apparent that improvement in function could be
obtained with some specific modifications for ASTP. The system
consisted of three essential parts: the furnace, a programmable
electronic temperature controller that provided the desired
temperatures, and a helium rapid cooldown system.
- Principal Investigator
- A. Boese, Marshall Space Flight
- Results
- The entire multipurpose furnace system
performed perfectly. Final results on all the experiments are
MA-041: Surface-Tension-Induced
- Principal Investigator
- R. E. Reed, Oak Ridge National
MA-044: Monotectic and Synthetic
- Principal Investigators
- C. Y. Ang and L. L. Lacey, Marshall Space
Flight Center
MA-060: Interface Markings in Crystals
- Principal Investigator
- H. C. Gatos, Massachusetts Institute of
MA-070: Zero-g Processing of Magnets
- Principal Investigator
- D. J. Larson, Jr., Grumman Aerospace
Corporation, Bethpage, New York
MA-085: Crystal Growth from the Vapor
- Principal Investigator
- H. Wiedemeier, Rensselaer Polytechnic
MA-131: Halide Eutectic Growth
- Principal Investigator
- A. S.Yue, University of California
MA-150: Multiple Material Melting (Joint
U.S.S.R.-U.S. Experiment)
- Soviet Principal Investigator
- I. Ivanov, Institute of Metallurgy
MA-028: Crystal Growth
- Objective
- The objective of this experiment was to
assess a novel process for growing single crystals of insoluble
substances by allowing two or more reactant solutions to diffuse
toward each other through a region of pure solvent in zero
gravity. This experiment was designed to produce superior crystals
and to improve our understanding of the theory of crystal
- Principal Investigator
- M. D. Lind, Rockwell International Science
- Results
- The experiment was entirely successful and
yielded crystals of about expected size, quality, and
* Published in Feb.
1976 as NASA TM X-58173, this 529-page report provided a detailed
synopsis of scientific results as analyzed through 1975. This
document is available through the National Technical Information
Service, Springfield, Va. 22161. Vol. I of a Summary Science Report
was published in 1977 as NASA SP-412 and vol. II is in
1. Paul R. Penrod to
René A. Berglund, memo, "International Rendezvous and Docking
Mission (IRDM) Experiment Requirements," 17 Sept. 1971.
2. Penrod to Berglund,
memo, "Joint USA-USSR Experiments during the Docked Phase of IRDM,"
15 Oct. 1972.
3. For example, Penrod to
William O. Davis, 22 Dec.1971. See "Post Skylab Missions
Familiarization Briefing," 28 Dec. 1971.
4. William O. Armstrong to
Berglund, memo, "Payload Planning for Post Skylab CSM Missions," 10
Mar. 1972.
5. Richard J. Allenby to
distribution, memo, "ASTP Investigations," 20 Oct. 1972.
6. John E. Naugle to Dale
D. Myers, memo, "Joint NASA/USSR Experiments," 2 Nov. 1972; and Myers
to distribution, memo, "Joint NASA/ USSR Experiments," 19 Dec.
7. Olin E. Teague to James
C. Fletcher, 1 May 1973.
8. Fletcher to
distribution, 29 June 1973, with enclosure.
9. Homer E. Newell to
Fletcher, 27 July 1973.
10. "Summary Minutes
Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) Seminar," Houston House, Woods Hole,
Mass., 7 July 1973.
11. Newell to Fletcher,
27 July 1973.
12. Chester M. Lee to
Glynn S. Lunney, memo, "ASTP Experiment Payload," 27 Aug.
13. Lunney to Konstantin
Davydovich Bushuyev [28 Aug. 1973].
14. Lee to Lunney, Ellery
B. May, and William H. Rock, memo, "ASTP Experiments Payload," 30
Nov. 1973.
15. Lunney to Lee, memo,
"ASTP Experiments Payload," 14 Dec. 1973; and Lawrence G. Williams,
"ASTP Experiment Development Evaluation Report," 21 Aug. 1975.
16. Lee to Lunney, memo,
"ASTP Experiments Payload Addition," 1 Feb. 1974; William C.
Schneider to Lee, memo, "Approval of Experiments MA-007, Stratosphere
Aerosol Measurement and MA-028, Crystal Growth for Apollo/Soyuz Test
Project," 19 Mar. 1974; Lee to Naugle, memo, "ASTP Barium Cloud
Experiment-MA-017," 9 Apr. 1974; TWX, Lee to Lunney et at., "ASTP
Barium Cloud Experiment-MA-017," 24 Apr. 1974; Lee to Lunney, memo,
"ASTP Barium Cloud Experiment - MA-017," 24 Apr. 1974; Lee to
Armstrong, memo, "ASTP Barium Cloud Experiment-MA-017," 25 Apr. 1974;
and Lee to John F. Yardley, memo, "ASTP Barium Cloud Experiment,
MA-017," 10 July 1974.
17. Robert O. Aller to
attendees, memo, "ASTP Joint Experiments Meeting, NASA Headquarters
on June 26, 1974," 1 July 1974.
18. JSC Announcement,
"Key Personnel Assignment," 26 June 1974.
19. NASA, Apollo-Soyuz
Test Project Preliminary Science Report, TM X-58173 (Springfield,
Va., 1976), pp. 1-1 and 1-2.